There are plenty of unknown and innovative ways to travel the world for free, and perhaps even make money along the way. Traveling the world for free may sound impossible, however, you can practically make it a reality if you know exactly what to do. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities for free travel all across the globe. Some of these experiences will pay for your accommodations, some for your travel, while others may even pay for all of your expenses. If you are a money-conscious value traveler, it is important to learn these tactics for your next getaway. This way, you can reduce your expenses and master the art of travel planning. To help you get started, read on to learn about the secret ways to travel the world for free (and even make money).
Get A Job Overseas
If you plan on staying in a destination for a substantial period of time, consider getting a job overseas. As long as you are not picky, there are plenty of exciting, high-paying career opportunities abroad. For example, consider becoming a live-in caregiver, hostel worker, or tour guide. If you have experience in hospitality, you can additionally look into become a bartender, cruise ship employee, waiter or waitress. Since you are staying for a temporary duration, you may want to explore seasonal jobs like a summer camp counselor, ski resort employee, or gift wrapper. Definitely, getting a job abroad is a great way to travel the world for free without sacrificing.
House-Sit Or Pet-Sit
In many cases, you can get free accommodations and travel the world for free just by house or pet-sitting. Simply, this involves watching after the house while the homeowner is away. During this time, you may be asked to take care of some light cleaning and maintenance throughout the property. If the owner has any pets, you may also be asked to feed, walk, and keep them company while they are away. In exchange for house-sitting, you can often stay in a comfortable location entirely for free. Sometimes, you may even get paid for doing so. This way, you will have some extra cash for your leisure travel expenses. Certainly, house or pet-sitting is a great way to travel the world for free.
Look at which charges $ 129/yr for unlimited sits. has large inventory in Europe. has a minimal charge of $ 20/yr. Look at all three and review based on your specific wants and needs.
Teach Abroad
In addition, teaching abroad is one of the fastest growing ways to travel the world for free. Most commonly, travelers from the United States go abroad in order to teach English. However, if you are proficient in any other languages, or possess any additional skills, you can consider teaching them as well. In order to find positions, look for jobs abroad as a teacher for public, private, or international schools. In fact, you may even want to explore overseas jobs as a military school teacher, school administrator, or counselor. Surely, teaching a great, rewarding way to travel the world for free and make money doing so.
At the same time, volunteer travel and voluntourism abroad is another exciting, fun, and rewarding way to travel the world for free. There are all sorts of different volunteer travel programs and opportunities to experience across the globe. Consider working in schools, on environmental projects, or for public health awareness. Similarly, you may find opportunities in wildlife, marine conservation, or human rights. Traveling this way, you can build valuable work experience, develop a sense of accomplishment, and develop a knowledge of new cultures. Naturally, this fulfilling experiences provides you with new skills, professional networking, and individual fulfillment. Absolutely, you can travel the world for free using voluntourism vacation strategies.
GVI, or Global Vision International, is a great company for volunteering opportunities abroad. Currently, the program runs dozens of programs in over 20 locations, stretching across 13 countries around the world.
Travel With a Challenge is a web-based magazine that addresses the older traveler( ages 45-80) who wants alternative vacationing. It offers travel options that offer ecological, cultural and volunteer options.
Discover Corps is another great volunteer option to consider. This program collaborates with a number of community based organizations. Here, they create hands-on projects that have a direct impact on the people, wildlife, and community you are serving.
Using AirBnb Social Impact Experiences you can work with nonprofits to create transformational interactions for notable causes. With these opportunities, you can create a unique volunteering experience that supports your cause.
Children’s Global Alliance is open to any teenager in the world. It offers large-scale volunteer experiences for students ages 12-18. It also offers international service-learning trips and a leadership development program for students from the U.S. to work in other countries with the objective to create global minded future leaders.
GoEco is one of the best eco-tourism volunteer companies out there right now. GoEco supports over 150 volunteer opportunities helping environmental initiatives, wildlife, and local communities.
Do A House Swap
Next, consider doing a house swap to successfully travel the world for free and reduce your accommodations cost. Say you live in New York City and want to visit Europe. It is likely that someone in Europe is looking to travel to New York City. Therefore, it will be a win to simply just switch houses for your trip. Even better, this means your house will not be sitting vacant, when it is most vulnerable to crime or natural disasters. With house swapping travel, you can minimize expenses, live like a local, and meet new people on your journeys. Indeed, doing a house swap is a great way to travel the world for free.
There are plenty of innovative ways to travel the world for free and maybe even make money. Next, you may be able to lodge for free by pet or house-sitting. First off, consider getting a job overseas. In addition, you can consider teaching English or alternate subjects abroad. Simultaneously, consider participating in a volunteer travel opportunity. Of course, this is one of the fastest value travel trends this year. At the same time, look into doing a house swap with someone trying to visit your area. Follow the points highlighted above to learn about the secret ways to travel the world for free (and even make money).
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